Great Link provide wide range services and have been operating in between Ireland and China since 2002 .
We are expert on all China related businesses. Not only are we able to help you get products directly from factories in China or sell your products to the world’s biggest market China, we are also be able to help you by consulting on your existing China related businesses.
Also in 2019, we became a wholesale supplier. We supply our stock to variety of businesses like retail stores, supermarkets, pharmacies, distributors etc. Great Link are suppliers of high quality PPE and Hygiene Products including face masks, shields, screens, gloves, hand sanitisers, cleansers, sprayers, foggers and powerful disinfectants.
Great Link is based in Wexford, Ireland. We work around the clock to suit different time zones, so we are able to help you at any hour of any day.
Just ring or email us and we will be here ready to welcome you.